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First Principles in Scrum: The Secret to Successful Agile Transformations

We are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking resource that will revolutionize your understanding of Scrum and Agile methodologies. Our latest book, “First Principles in Scrum,” is now available for download at

This book is not just another guide to Scrum. It delves deep into the foundational concepts that underpin this Agile framework, exploring the first principles that make Scrum such a powerful tool for managing complex projects.

Penned by Jeff Sutherland, the co-creator of Scrum, in discussions with Registered Scrum Trainers worldwide, this book is a treasure trove of insights, strategies, and practical wisdom. It draws on a wealth of experience and knowledge, offering readers a unique opportunity to learn from the best in the field.

First Principles in Scrum” is a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying Scrum. It is rooted in the fundamental principles underlying Scrum, reflecting how people work, how our brains operate, and how teams collaborate. Each piece is self-contained, complete with references to original works, making the book an excellent resource for discussion and contemplation.

The book will be updated constantly in weekly sprints and is currently available in Version 1.3 which is divided into several insightful chapters, including:

How Scrum Emerged from First Principles

The Paradox of Inductive vs Deductive Reasoning

Responding to Change

The Next Best Step

Scrumming the Scrum

Why Management Won’t Help

Why Agile Transformations Fail

Personal Scrum

The book also includes an epilogue, which assures readers that the journey of discovery is just beginning. The authors promise to add new chapters to “First Principles in Scrum” on a weekly sprint cadence make it a living document that grows and evolves over time.

First Principles in Scrum” is designed to help both beginners and seasoned practitioners. Whether you’re new to Scrum or an experienced professional looking to deepen your understanding, this book has something for you. It covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of Scrum to advanced concepts like computational irreducibility and the observer effect.

But this book is more than just a theoretical exploration. It’s a practical guide that offers actionable strategies and techniques you can use to improve your Scrum practice. It includes real-world examples, case studies, and step-by-step instructions that make the principles easy to understand and apply.

We believe that understanding the first principles of Scrum is key to mastering this Agile framework. With this book, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of Scrum, enhance your skills, and be better equipped to lead successful Agile transformations.

We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and learning. Download “First Principles in Scrum” today on Leanpub and take the first step towards mastering Scrum and Agile methodologies.

Happy reading!